Dieng highland is one of super cool place to visit when you are in Yogyakarta. Many tourists use Yogya as a base to travel areas outside Yogya. Dieng highland/plateau is the second highest in the world. Hiking to get to the peak is very recommended. If you are okay with real camping, no public bathroom or water, you can watch superb sunrise when wake up. Also when you are on the top, the view is awesome.

Beautiful sunset, a reward for anyone who is up for the challenge of the basic survival. Gotta bring your food and your tent, or I can arrange everything for you. So up to you, wanna be safe in your cubicle, or be Out2Travel to feel the amazing nature.

"Dieng highland is cool all year around, men in this area has secret to keep their body strong and warm. It is called Purwoceng, thay make it a drink of it, what supposed to happen after having it we will get stamina boost (including sexual energy as well)."

Boil egg using crater boiling water is something we can do. Don't worry if you are too chickened out getting close to the edge, there is always some one we can pay to do it, so when the egg done, we can just eat it. Simple rightt!!

My guide had idea to put mud on my face for picture. I'd hire him again, he knew how to get nice shots.

In the bottom of the highland, we can see 2 big pond or small lake depend how you see it, each has different color of water even though they are next to each other just like shown in picture here. The whole area is so postcard perfect scenery.
I wished it was clear sky day at that time (May 2014), it did not rain though, thanks Gawd, so I decided to hike to the top with a guide accompanied me.