It is good when we finally figure thing out. Changing LLC in New Jersey is not difficult. In Fact you can do it with your smart phone, isn’t that incredible.
- You need to file L-102, the link can be found here
- Select and click it, you will then start the process filling of the name change. Follow the step, the change name fee is $100, plus processing fee of $1 (e-check) or $3.50 (credit card). Complete it until you have confirmation. Save the confirmation # and remember email you entered on the amendment filling process in case you need to retrieve your certificate later. I would download and save the certificate of amendment, right away. If you did not it, it will close and you need to retrieve it.
- You need to send notice to IRS about your LLC name change. Send a letter with copy of certificate of amendment name change to IRS. Below is sample letter I used, or you can make it your own.
In my case, I check the box for Cincinnati, OH address because that is where I got EIN confirmation.